ISC 2018 Biology Solved Question Paper for Class 12
ISC biology class 12 previous year solved paper 2018 – Download Sample solved biology question paper in PDF for practice and to clear all your doubt. Not much time left for ISC Biology paper-3 examination. Class XII exam is being conducted in the month of February 2018. For an overall ISC exam preparation, attempting the previous year 2018 solved Biology question paper is important, you get to know types of question asked in the exam. These answer key will give an idea about the difficulty level of exam. This paper will help you in upcoming ISC Exam 2019. Indian School Certificate (I.S.C.) download paper you can also practice this Free Bioscience class 12 Sample previous year test paper to check your preparation level acquainted with the new questions to improve your exam preparation.

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Before moving to the Biology Solved 2018 Paper, check the biological science Exam Pattern given below. 3 hours duration divided into two parts. Part I (20 marks) consists of compulsory short answer questions, testing knowledge, application, and skills relating to elementary/fundamental aspects of the entire syllabus.Part II (50 marks) is divided into three Sections A, B, and C. You are required to answer two out of three questions from Section A (each carrying 5 marks), two out of three questions from Section B (each carrying 10 marks) and two out of three questions from Section C (each carrying 10 marks). Therefore a total of six questions are to be answered in Part II. This exam is conducted in the base of ISC syllabus – Origin of life, Theories of evolution, Multicellularity, Plants, Animals, Genetics. Applications of Biology, Crop improvement, Biotic community, Biodiversity today, Bio fertilizers, Human Diseases, Adolescent issues, Biomedical Engineering, Human population, Animal Husbandry and ISC biology important question class 12.

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